Friday, October 11, 2013

Heaven Sent Deserts

Turones de Casuy and Sans Rival

The place that I'm talking about in the last entry is the Ocampo-Lansang Delicacies D'Original pasalubong. It is very famous; in fact when we got there, the flow of people buying from them is non-stop. The shop is actually just adjacent in the front of the humble house of the Ocampo-Lansang's. Going inside, you could see many life size statues, religious statues lined in the walls and at the far corner is an altar. One could see the religiosity of the family, from the moment the recipe of Turones de Casuy and Sans Rival is being taught (the story is from my last post) until now that their business had grown.

 The Turones de Casuy is a long, slim stick of cashew nut covered with honey and wrapped in a sheer wafer that is similar to the ingredients of hosts (ostsa). The super sweet taste of the Turones contrasted well with its wrapper as it tamed the taste. According to ate there, from the recipe that was passed on from them, the way they cook, prepare and the ingredients had not been changed at all. So generally speaking, we have tasted what the three maidens have tasted before.

Sans Rival on the other hand is a layered cake torte sprinkled on top is finely chopped cashew. The layer of meringue is then slathered with rich buttercream, and topped with a golden butter icing that probably all the angels in heaven created. One amazing thing about the Sans Rival is that the butter does not melt even on room temperature, an evidence of how Kapampangans master their craft well.

Once I relished the heavenly-no-rival taste of the Sans Rival and the Turones de Casuy, I could say that I’ve been touched-or rather- my tongue’s been touched by angels and right then and there, I’ve been in heaven…

Credits to Mr. Luis Manlungat for the photos :)

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