Wednesday, October 9, 2013


In the same barangay that we had our first Patko, we also had our own barquillos on the same place. Own, because we had the chance to make one. Barquillos is a buttered cylinder wafer that is a good snack.

The moment we entered, the waft of butter swirls around the place making my mouth water as ate barquillera makes one of thousands of burquillos she make every day. Not only does it smell good but it is also fun to eat the sweet, buttery, delicate cylinder wafer. It is fun to eat it because of the shape and its not-so-sweet taste that brings back memories of my childhood. It had been one of my favorite snacks when I was in kindergarten to grade 2. And it’s been a long time now since I last have one.

The recipe for Burquilos is simple, flour, sugar, egg and butter. Ate barquillera have a square metal plate where 1/3 tablespoon of the mixture is being poured and spread all over using the concave part of the spoon. After that, the other square plate attached to the other is pressed down to the mixture to grill it. On its handle there is a lock to ensure that the two metal plates are pressed properly to even out the mixture. After some seconds it is flipped to the other side, linger for 5 seconds, open the plate and as a stick that looks like a drum stick, it will help shape the burquillos.

Making my first barquillos feels good but eating is better. Unfortunately, I cannot find my photo in the albums of my friends so I cannot add my photo here making one.


Thanks to my classmates in T120 for the photos! :) No copyright infringement intended.

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